Prom Bouquet


Complete your Homecoming look with a signature bouquet from Palmette. Choose from two stunning color palettes—timeless white and green or bold pink and peach—to match your unique style. Each hand-tied bouquet is crafted from premium blooms and finished with luxurious ribbons, the perfect accessory for an unforgettable night.

Available for pick-up, or inquire about local delivery by calling the shop at (228) 229-2347.

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Complete your Homecoming look with a signature bouquet from Palmette. Choose from two stunning color palettes—timeless white and green or bold pink and peach—to match your unique style. Each hand-tied bouquet is crafted from premium blooms and finished with luxurious ribbons, the perfect accessory for an unforgettable night.

Available for pick-up, or inquire about local delivery by calling the shop at (228) 229-2347.

Complete your Homecoming look with a signature bouquet from Palmette. Choose from two stunning color palettes—timeless white and green or bold pink and peach—to match your unique style. Each hand-tied bouquet is crafted from premium blooms and finished with luxurious ribbons, the perfect accessory for an unforgettable night.

Available for pick-up, or inquire about local delivery by calling the shop at (228) 229-2347.


Let Palmette Be Part of Your Unforgettable Night

Flowers become a part of the homecoming memories that last a lifetime.

Make your homecoming look come alive with a fresh flower bouquet in white or vibrant pink and peach blooms.




"I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect bouquet for Homecoming. The flowers from Palmette were absolutely gorgeous.It was definitely the finishing touch I needed for an unforgettable night!" — Libby, Senior


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